Come join us on our YouTube channel Mutton But Fun as we travel across the country documenting our fishing adventures aboard a variety of head / party boats and private charters. Let Mutton But Fun introduce you to the different types of fishing, methods and different types of trips available on these amazing vessels. We will take you behind the scenes to meet the captain and crew and the people aboard as well as the fish they catch.
Our trips range from your average half and full day trips for the novice fishermen up to epic 3 to 10 day adventures for the hard core. Our show is pure entertainment.
Mutton But Fun is a couple of over the top characters. FrankieO with the Mutton Momma Holly.
FrankieO the mutton slayer "Mr. MUTTONBUTFUN" is your hard core, never leave the rail, fish till you die fisherman with an edgy attitude that is sure to get everyone fired up. Yet, Frank still loves to educate all, from the youngest to the oldest of anglers.
The Mutton Momma Holly is a spit fire, all attitude Mutton queen of the sea. Don't let this female angler fool you, she can stick em' as well as any veteran. Holly also handles the magic behind the lens.
Come join our team and be part of the circus. Follow us on social media Facebook and YouTube. If you would like to join us on a fishing trip in the future, check out our upcoming schedule below. Some trips are sponsored by Mutton But Fun and can only be booked under our promo MUTTONBUTFUN. We hope to see you with us on the water soon.
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